My Intention this year is to paint daily and post a piece of art each day.
Fulfilling this intention will hopefully assist in my artistic growth by being able to review, explore and develop my work.
What fun!
Additional intentions are:
Workshops: Dayna Collins and Nancy Hillis
Both of which I have signed up and ready to participate
Orcas Island Artist Studio Tour.. August 11, 12,13
Well this migh be a challenge because the road to our house is a single lane road with only one turn out spot.. so having multi cars coming and going might be an issue... at this time I am brainstorming.
Possible solutions
1. A person at the beginning of the road directing traffic
2. A sign directing traffic to call or text traffic information
Will keep working on this.
The Artworks will be opening in February. Our intake in next week. I think I will begin my posting of pieces that will be on display this year..
The above piece is a recent work that I completed as I painted along, via video, with Nancy Ellis. I felt so free and enjoyed every minute while I danced and played in my studio.
Still working on the title.
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