Saturday, December 22, 2012

Extreme Compostion with Jane Davies

This is the last lesson from Jane Davies class, Extreme Composition..

It seems I have been working on this lesson for ages.  I keep changing my mind, trying different colors and coming at if from different angles... so thought I would finally post a few of my attempts.

I started with pieces from an earlier lesson for inspiration.  The colors didn't really interest me but I wanted to work with sweeping lines, curves and swirls.

Original Series

I then I began playing with different color and swirls


1b- added textured paper, black India ink lines, white out area. added color

1c - added more colors and lines.

Not really satisfied with the above, I  played around with more lines and different colors.

Modular #2 - a,b,c surrounded by black
  Here I think I am beginning to get a feel for bringing pieces together, but maybe need more purple in # 2a and less black lines..2c kind of dark.
Then I started playing with a new set of colors which I really enjoyed - shades of orange, green and violet. and of course black and white.

#3 a

# 3 b
The above 2 pieces are about 20x 20 on watercolor paper.  
More play.. smaller sizes on same paper... 6x6 and 8x 20.
#4  Lots of fun.. 

The following are various modular compositions from the above
#5 - like the color and movement - right image a bit distorted
#6 -   more fun..but wonder if the. bottom right might be  kind of busy.. maybe that's what the ?? is the upper right.

#7    Whopee.... I really like the black background with these

 All in all I liked the lesson but found it very difficult to hang the pieces together.  I especially like playing around with orange, green and violets......will do more with these colors.
 I probably over worked every piece.... and have a lot more work which I decided not to bore you with.. but hopefully I kind of created modular compositions.  
Well on to the next class of Extreme Composition 2... after a brief break for the HOLIDAYS....

Saturday, December 8, 2012

At last, a photo of my "Hot Wall" exhibit at our local Artist Coop.

For a number of years I have been selling my work (mosaics, glass, cards, purses, wall hanging etc.).  This past year I added painting to the mix and was invited to exhibit my work for the months of November and December on what is called the Hot Wall. This a wall where artists from the island are invited to exhibit work.    Putting this together was a welcomed challenge.  I was some what fearful to put myself out there and had many moments agony... but now  I am delighted with how it went together and wanted to share this with you.

   The Artworks Gallery
     Orcas Island. WA

                              Hot Wall Exhibit

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Extreme Compostion

This has been a great class.  In this lesson I  choose a piece from the previous lesson that I wanted to further explore.  Using it as starting point I developed the series in an exaggerated vertical format.

Original piece - #1

Original piece #2

These are my explorations from the original pieces.......they are approximately 4'x22' and where quite a challenge....  but fun!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Extremem Abstract Class with Jane Davies

Well I finally am getting back to posting my process in my class with Jane... Extreme Abstract 

After completing a few exercises I find that I am moving toward more aware abstract work.

The following pieces are my most recent work in the class.   I love the colors and the results of working with transparent papers printed with stamping and marks.  So much fun. And so satisfying.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Check out my image size

Guess I am not keeping up as well as I would like... but then again it's summer and as they say a the Artworks Coop.. we are in the 90 days of August. 

So just wanted to try uploading a one of the paintings I am considering for the upcoming exhibit on the 'Hot Wall" at the Artworks this November.

I have tried to downsize the image in Photoshop and hopefully the uploading time will be considerably shorted... So here goes   .... 

And it worked!!!!!!!! Yea.   I kind of got tired uploading my class work.. so this is a boon to me.

Hopefully I will continue to post more often with this new tool.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Catching up

Part of a series I was working on in the Jane Davies Sketchbook class...   just testing to show my friend Nancy how blogs work

Monday, May 7, 2012

Catching up..

Unfortunatly  at this point in my posting I had  problem with my images.  I loaded  photes without down sizing the image... so I ran out of free Google space and paniced.  I needed to delete my images and learn to resized my images.  So you will find a many posting with large black circles.. repesenting delted images.  SORRY.. I goofed and have decided not to reload previous images.  OH WELL.. I am in a learning process ... I have now learned to resize my photos and lots of space to post .

 Here I go again... documenting what I have been doing to Jane Davies Sketchbook class...

I have been neglecting my posts and wanted to catch up.  Here are some of pieces I have been developing in my class... Jane really gives us lots of exercises to work out.  I am so enthusiastic about the assignments and enjoy what we are encouraged to do weekly..  The exercises and the class participants post so many exciting pieces I am continually inspired.  Lucky me!!!!!!!!!!
Develped from just a single shape..   trying to make it simple


And of course..  get out the straw

There truly is a collage piece on this .. and then scratched and imprinted!
  These were just pieces that I played around with trying to keep it simple.. and then moving on..
                                                       Fun... Fun... Fun...

BJ, Lesson 5, #1 Collage on B&W

Here are few of my Collages on B & W.. Fun to try to overly a collage .. but such a challenge.
 Thanks Jane............  We are so blessed to have such challenges.....

Bj, Lesson 4 #1 and 1b

Watered down black acrylic large piece, cropped then added Royal blue liquid acrylic and then Tulip slice to make the lines
Watered down black acrylic large piece, cropped  then applied Rust liquid acrylic color
After playing and playing with watered down acrylic and then waiting for India Ink to arrive  I found I have so many large pieces of free painting  B & W pieces I was lucky to have lots of compositions to choose form..  Hopefully I have choose a few that will work.
So here is my first attempt to do something with this ...

  • S0 there ya go.......  hope I get the two assignments worked up before I go off to Gay Paris!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Jane Davis Composition Class...

Well this class is closing.. but so much remains.   I have worked hard and learned much... and so much will remain with me for many months to come...
Here is a piece I  am working.on.  Hopefully I will complete this or just let it help  me to further my studies and process


 Have others to post but am having trouble getting them on line at this time.... more later

On to Sketchbook Challenge which will be  something I truly have been battling for many years and hope to overcome...  again.. more later