Saturday, May 25, 2013

April - Washington Federal Exhibit

In April I had an exhibition at our local Washington Federal Saving where I hung over 20 pieces, but forgot to take photos of the entire exhibit.  Oh well..

Here are a few photos of what I managed to get just before taking the exhibit down.. a few pieces are a bit tipsy.. sorry

                 On these two walls the displayed pieces are explorations of texture and neutral colors.

 That's it for now. Hopefully  I get back to posting more frequently since the purpose of this blog to keep focused on my art and the direction I am exploring.

Catching up.

Good Grief..    It's be so long since I posted anything.. Don't know what happened. 

I  completed the  Jane Davis Extreme Composition 2 a few months ago and then decided to take a few months off from posting. I have been playing around with all I have learned over the past year and having fun.   Also had an exhibition at WA Fed in April.. so I guess time just got away from me.

Also wanted to explain the black out of earlier posting which I don't think I explained this before.. so anyhow.  When I began this blog I was really "blog challenged".  I didn't understand that when posting photos I needed to re-size them in order not use up the free memory provided by Google.  So all of a sudden I was out of memory.  I deleted some photos and guess what... many of my earlier posting lost the photos... resulting in blackout.  Have not spent the time re-posting earlier photos.  Prefer to spend time in the studio.  So that's the scoop.

That's it for this posting... Next will be few photos of the WA FED exhibiton.