Saturday, May 25, 2013

April - Washington Federal Exhibit

In April I had an exhibition at our local Washington Federal Saving where I hung over 20 pieces, but forgot to take photos of the entire exhibit.  Oh well..

Here are a few photos of what I managed to get just before taking the exhibit down.. a few pieces are a bit tipsy.. sorry

                 On these two walls the displayed pieces are explorations of texture and neutral colors.

 That's it for now. Hopefully  I get back to posting more frequently since the purpose of this blog to keep focused on my art and the direction I am exploring.

Catching up.

Good Grief..    It's be so long since I posted anything.. Don't know what happened. 

I  completed the  Jane Davis Extreme Composition 2 a few months ago and then decided to take a few months off from posting. I have been playing around with all I have learned over the past year and having fun.   Also had an exhibition at WA Fed in April.. so I guess time just got away from me.

Also wanted to explain the black out of earlier posting which I don't think I explained this before.. so anyhow.  When I began this blog I was really "blog challenged".  I didn't understand that when posting photos I needed to re-size them in order not use up the free memory provided by Google.  So all of a sudden I was out of memory.  I deleted some photos and guess what... many of my earlier posting lost the photos... resulting in blackout.  Have not spent the time re-posting earlier photos.  Prefer to spend time in the studio.  So that's the scoop.

That's it for this posting... Next will be few photos of the WA FED exhibiton.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

BJ - playing around

Been playing around with the tiny pieces,, and trying to work toward finishing  a couple of previously posted pieces.

These small pieces 4x 8.. could be used as post cards..  Have fun playing with stamps and colors




  All of the above pieces were previously posted. as very bright vibrant colors over Gesso swirls.  I think more interest has been developed by pushing back areas around the focal areas.  Whereas before the pieces just screamed color.. color .. color and little chance for the eye to rest.  I am kind of tempted to add lines to these.. but I really like where they are at the moment.    What do you think?