Friday, January 20, 2012

Self Portrait - Lesson 3

Letting Go of Looking Good?       You bet!


Jane Davies is leading me to overcome the intimidation of drawing the self.  

First by tracing over self-portrait photos and then playing around with blind contour drawing resulting is goofy looking characters displaying multiple personalities I'm becoming comfortable with the whole self-portrait concept.   

The following are the results of exercises I've been working with resulting in loosing up and creating more awareness of line and shape.

Blind Self-Portraits.

I kind though it might be fun to start the drawing from different point on the face.

On the left drawing I began at the left (facing me) eyeglass frame and proceeded from there ending up at the neck.
Then I decided to try drawing just half of the face.. finding in this way the other side didn't overlap with the right as much as before.

Then I started at the hair line and ended up somewhere below the face with perhaps what might be labeled as a tongue or and neck.  Your guess is as good as mind.. but it's kind of interesting.


Attempting to make two drawings I think I created my personal view of a sweet little troll.   This was fun, but I kind of liked the first drawing before covering it with the second.

Then I drew the right side first and then moving over to the left creating a great illustration for my next thesis on multiple personalities.  I am growing found of my many faces.

Then starting at the throat I seem to bring it all together now.....
or kind of.

But never fear the others are back when the left hand took over, as shown by these two.
 Kind of fun.

Left:    Drew the right side first then another starting on left.

Loved adding water color pencil to these. 
One line drawing with a little peek

 Sharpie Pen Fine
 The Scribble Drawing
Prnag AB pencil
Sharpie Extra Fine Pen
Boy.. talk about taking this seriously..
I had a lot more fun than these last three portray.


  1. BJ, these are absolutely fabulous. You are so talented! I knew you'd love the course!!!

  2. I kind of feel like I know you better, having seen these drawings and read your comments. And that is perhaps one point of a self-portrait? I love the one line drawing with the red lips - amazing work!!
